The Agility Dog Club of Queensland Inc. is affiliated with the Agility Dog Association of Australia Ltd. The club was established in 1994, and since its inception has maintained a friendly, positive, discrimination free environment for both dogs and handlers alike. We encourage you to join in our ethos of “Family Fun for the Family Pet.” It makes for a much better time for all if we concentrate on the positives around us. The club also encourages and uses a Clicker and its associated training principles in all training forums.We actively encourage “More hands make light work” and as such, members are requested to arrive early for club activities and assist with any setting up of equipment that is required. Similarly, at the conclusion of activities you are again requested to assist with packing up. The club conducts 2 to 3 working bees a year to ensure our equipment stays in a safe and presentable manner. Members are asked to consider attending at least one of these.
The club aims to offer quality instruction at all levels and appreciates feedback about the shortcomings and exceptional things we offer. So please feel free to offer suggestions at any time. It is the club’s intention to maintain small class sizes where individual feedback is possible. The club conducts ADAA competitions for titles, a monthly Point Score competition, demos and training – both internally and from external resources. Our aim is for you to get the most out of these opportunities. It is our intention for every member to be involved to the maximum that they desire. So step forward and be involved.
We also sometimes put on public demonstrations. We like to encourage all of our members to attend to show case our wide range of skill levels.
ADCQ gives The Intermediate Encouragement Award at the end if each year for the top scoring Intermediate dog, with points allocated as per our Point Score points table. It is to be started at the beginning of 2006, and is to be a perpetual trophy. It is only open to ADCQ club members and points can only be earned at ADCQ competitions. Only dogs eligible to enter Intermediate standard events are able to gain points towards this award. Points will not be lost if, during the year, dogs gain their SAAD title and therefore become ineligible to enter Intermediate standard events.
The Current ADCQ Committee
President: Ruth Raymond
Vice President: Bernadette Holdsworth
Secretary: Steve Drinkwater
Treasurer: Cathy Slot
Chief Instructor: Cathy Slot
Committee Member: Claudia Kelly
Committee Member: Dan Poole
Committee Member: Kasey Gott
ADCQ email: